Members of the class of 1984 are pleased to announce the endowment and launch of the Class of 1984 Leo Millar fund. The fund was started by class members at their 30th reunion in 2014 in memory of Millar, who passed away in 1988.
Arnold Rudnick (’84) recalls Millar as a “playful and fun-spirited student”, and he and class agents Peter McDowell and Michael Blossom wanted the activities funded through this effort to reflect those characteristics. As they shared memories of Millar at their reunion, the idea for the memorial fund was born, and they began working with the Uni High Advancement office to make their idea a reality.
This year donations reached the endowment threshold of $25,000, which means awards from the fund can be distributed for use.
Each year, 30% of the money generated from the fund will go to the senior class officers to organize something “playful” and “whimsical” for students, and the remaining 70% will fund a project or activity agreed upon by the Uni High administration in even years or the Uni faculty in odd years.
Rudnick says the class hopes that the student activities made possible through this fund will provide fun opportunities for students that reflect the class of ‘84’s interactions with Millar.
“In addition, we hope these opportunities will instill the concept of philanthropy in future students,” Rudnick says. “Hopefully they will see the impact of giving on their own school experience and realize that they will be able to pay it forward.”
They further hope that other classes will be motivated to start similar initiatives to enhance the school.
Rudnick says that reaching the endowment threshold took time — and the COVID-19 pandemic was definitely an unexpected obstacle — but he encourages other classes to stick with the process.
A founding funders plaque will be displayed at Uni to acknowledge those who donated to honor Millar.
To find out more about giving back to Uni, please click here.