Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
Membership in the Parent Teacher Student Association is open to all parent(s)/guardian(s) of Uni High students as well as to the faculty of the school. All parent(s)/guardian(s) pay annual dues as part of their students’ fees. The level of dues is determined by the PTSA on recommendation of the PTSA Board of Directors. The PTSA Board of Directors includes two representatives from each of the five classes and two at-large representatives who have students enrolled in any grade level. Meetings of the Board, open to all parent(s)/guardian(s) and faculty, usually are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in Room 109 of the school. Those attending are asked to enter through the north door.
Student-Faculty Advisory Committee (SFAC)
The Student-Faculty Advisory Committee consists of representatives of the student body, the faculty, and the administration. Members of the committee propose solutions to concerns that directly affect the student and faculty bodies of the school. The committee serves as a forum for student-faculty discussion and to monitor student-faculty interactions. SFAC meetings are open to all students and faculty. Student Council elects a student representative to serve as a liaison between Student Council and SFAC. The representative is not voting member of either Student Council or SFAC.
Student Council (StudCo)
Student Council serves as the governing body concerning student activities and interests. StudCo meets every Thursday at lunch in room 109. Primary roles and responsibilities include: Allocation of student funds, organizing and managing class events and activities, approval of student events and activities, approval of use of StudCo resources for student events and activities, granting or denying permission to form a club or student organization, cleaning up at orientation and disorientation picnics.
Booster Club
The Boosters club serves to support the athletic programs at University Laboratory High School in a manner that is proper and reasonable, with consultation, cooperation, and approval of the schools officials. Likewise, the Boosters assist in encouraging student participation in athletics and help to maintain a proper relationship between coaches, students, fans and faculty.
Multicultural Parent Advisory Group (MPAG)
The Multicultural Parent Advisory Group's mission statement is to actively challenge the history of inequity in the education of gifted and talented students. To that end, they are committed to supporting University Laboratory High School administrative, faculty and student efforts to create and maintain an open and inclusive community that values diverse viewpoints and which cultivates a desire to understand and expand social awareness. They want the school environment to demonstrate a critical understanding of and respect for racial and ethnic diversity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, political views, and socioeconomic differences. They honor their commitment by advising, facilitating, and supporting Uni in its efforts to broaden admission policies, hiring practices, professional development, curriculum and an inclusive school culture that demands equity as an essential component of a quality education.