Major General James Franklin Whisenand was a member of the Army Air Corps, which eventually became the U.S. Airforce, who attended Uni either from 1925 or 1926 to 1928. It is unknown whether or not James Whisenand went attended freshman year at Uni High, as he is not mentioned once in the 1925 yearbook and the freshman group photo is too low in resolution and contains too many people for an accurate guess. However, it is most likely that he did attend, as he appears in the rest of the three years of yearbooks. Whisenand was an athletic teenager, attending basketball from sophomore to senior year. In his senior year, he added track, Thimble Theater Guild—where he was also elected publicity manager for the second semester—as well as the senior play.
After Uni, Whisenand went to the University of Illinois, graduating in 1933 with a Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He joined as a flying cadet for the Army Air Corps in 1934 and was stationed around the U.S. until 1944, when now, in the Army Airforce, he was sent with his fighter wing to China. Afterward, he steadily climbed the ranks to Brigadier General until 1963 when he retired.