Gregory Smith entered Uni as a subfreshmen. He was quiet in his first year as he slowly grew more comfortable with his classmates. During that first year, he found a passion for model rocketry, which he later started a club for. Model Rocketry would take him all over as he never lost his love for it. Having already taken French and Spanish prior to attending Uni, he decided to choose German; which he had a gift for as he won the German Exam for 3 years in a row. After graduating from Uni he went to the U of I where he planned to study aeronautical engineering, however, he transferred into TV production.
He worked in the television industry and wrote computer programs and software for a while before discovering how much he enjoyed teaching. He then went back to school in order to receive teaching qualifications. He taught at Uni for many years before retiring in 2019. While at Uni he shared his love for all things technical with hundreds of students and touched many lives.